Here I sit in my room back in Minnesota finally able to find time to reflect and share our adventure. It never fails to surprise me how quickly time can pass. It was just two short weeks ago when 11 students were sitting at the bus station in Buenas Aires reminiscing on our 13 days together and preparing to go our separate ways.

After living the experience of Argentina and returning back to the states, my mind was a com-bobbled mess of emotions and thoughts. There were so many experiences while in Argentina that touched me in different ways. The question that taunted me from family and friends was, “How was your trip?”. My mind was just like in movies when you see a huge rush of flashbacks and memories zip over the screen before it slows down and settles into the present, that’s what my mind does every time I hear those four words. The many places and people we encountered fly through my mind and although I have so much to share, my answer is this, “It was wonderful. A very humbling trip.” Those are the only words I can find to attempt summing up our adventure. Unless each person who asks me “How was your trip?” has two hours to spare, that’s all I can say. This trip was more than I expected and more than I could have hoped. It is truly evident how important WSU was and still is to the country of Argentina, specifically San Juan.

The women who traveled to San Juan 100 years ago were unbelievable. They left an unforgettable legacy in Argentina which is greatly appreciated and remembered. The people of San Juan were the most hospitalic people I have yet encountered  in my short 21 years of life. I am truly humbled and struck by the gratefulness they showed and hospitality they gave. Although we were not the women who were chosen by Sarmiento to help establish an educational system in Argentina, we were treated as though we were. The actions of the Argentine people show the inner appreciation of the human heart. I have witnessed that time doesn’t kill ideas or the remembrance of great things.  I will forever remember Sarmiento and the deeds of our WSU alumni because of the people of Argentina. From the large ceremonies to the small lunches, each moment of our adventure was blessed by graciousness. Sarmiento’s name thrives within the province of San Juan and leaks into the rest of Argentina. The work of our alumni and his drive have an obvious affect on Argentina. Of course there are still improvements that are needed within the educational system, however, it is much more sustainable than it would be if history never occurred. I look forward to yet another return to Argentina. I think there are large opportunities available between San Juan and WSU.

Besides the ‘business’ end of our adventure, we enjoyed the culture too! Below are a few pictures I would like to share with you. Enjoy :)