The Jazz Ensemble along with CodaBow representatives

The Jazz Ensemble along with CodaBow representatives

Creative event? The College of Business has got that down to a science. In fact… this event, held this past April, definitely checks the creative box in a workshop meets jazz concert sort of way. A collection of professors, as well as musicians from Winona State and representatives from CodaBow, got together to showcase their jazz talents for students and faculty in the college.

Students discussing how structure plays a role in business and music

Students discussing how structure relates to business and music.

Jazz performers related common business operations with playing in a band. They addressed topics like structure, taking risks, pushing yourself, knowing your strengths/weaknesses, and being prepared. All of these are essential in both music and business.

For the students to understand more about structure, the jazz ensemble played a tune, the Flintstone’s theme song, almost everyone knew. After the tune was done, they had everyone break up into groups to talk about how structure played a role in both the song and business. The saxophonist, Ray Dretske, relayed to students how structure lends to some creativity. He had a great tip, know your strengths and your weaknesses because that will only help you.

Students discussing how leadership plays a role in business.

Students discussing how leadership plays a role in business.

Everyone wrapped up talking about structure and the group played another tune and had everyone get into groups to talk about how the song related to leadership. Some of the students’ responses were that it showed how taking risks is important. If you don’t take risks, there will be no growth. Another student pointed out how the song related to a business meeting. When one person plays/talks, then the other people in the group let that person talk and after that person is done, then the other person can speak. You should know when to talk and when to listen. The importance of pushing yourself also came up in this conversation. You should always push yourself and take chances to benefit yourself and others in the future.

The group also emphasized the importance of being prepared. If you are prepared, you will also think more creatively, which will benefit you and your company all together. It’s also important to ask questions. It is better to be interested than to be interesting.

Thank you to CodaBow and the musicians from Winona State for putting on this excellent event for the College of Business students. As Ray Dretske once said, “If you’re passionate about something, do it. Do it all!”