Not many university students have the opportunity to learn how a large corporation with over 2,000 employees handles their information systems. For Winona State’s Management Information Systems Association, Data Science, and Computer Science clubs it was an incredible opportunity to learn first-hand at Mayo Clinic’s IT University held in Rochester, MN. Students learned about information systems as Mayo IT demonstrated numerous software programs used by the team on a daily basis.

Winona State students received classroom instruction from experts that related to the variety of different fields at Mayo IT.
Programs Like…
Big databases to handle DNA strand analytics
Supercomputers to conduct research analysis and experimenting with augmented reality.
“Students were impressed with the many different career paths available, networking, massive data processing, cloud infrastructures, cyber-security, individualized medicine and more. All Mayo employees were passionate about their work, and how it contributed to improving people’s lives.” – Professor Pat Paulson
The experience, deemed an overall success students and Mayo management alike, opened the eyes of students to possible career opportunities as well as internships. Mayo department heads showed what to expect as an intern or to work at Mayo. With the projected growth in the IT Department, Mayo Clinic anticipates positions will be needed in the area in the near future.
This is further evidence that Winona State serves as a great stepping stone connect students with future employers. This is the second year Winona State Management Information Systems Association has held this event and hope to continue the relationship into the future. Thank you to Professor Paulson for making this event happen for so many Winona State students exploring the many fields of information technology.
Bradley Budnick, ’18, Technical Support Service Specialist, HBC.