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Danielle Cloutier ’18: Student of the Game for November 16

The College of Business has helped me to Create My More in numerous ways and through various opportunities. The first opportunity was the ability to join Delta Sigma Pi where I have held six different leadership positions, which led to me connecting with even more professors and peers within the college.

While being the president of Delta Sigma Pi, I also served on the Dean’s Advisory Board where I had the chance to connect even more with the leaders in the College of Business. As my bonds grew stronger, Associate Professor Jana Craft gave me the opportunity to participate in two different writing conferences, which not only increased my writing and research skills but also my public speaking abilities.

Marianne Collins, another professor I was able to build a strong bond with, helped me Create My More through my work with her on the Sales Team. With the help of donations, I was able to go to Florida and compete in the largest sales competition where I placed in the top 10 of 51 schools in a case management analysis that opened the doors to many job opportunities. In addition, I was presented with the opportunity to sit in on a Human Resources Advisory Board to discuss how to make the curriculum better for upcoming students.

None of this would be possible if not for my early involvement on campus, continuously striving for academic success and the support I have received from the College of Business.

What do you like best about the College of Business?

All of these opportunities come down to one thing, networking. For me, that is the best part about the College of Business, whether it be getting the chance to network with professionals, or just the fact that professors really show and take interest in their students. It provides the opportunity to step out of your comfort zone and take initiative for yourself. College of Business professors are willing to listen to new ideas and projects that the students wish to put forward. All of this has already helped in the pursuit of my future career, as I have numerous examples to provide to employers.

“I have gained many of the skills that are difficult to teach on the job. The biggest benefit for me, moving forward, is that I feel I have touched part of the business world before taking on a full-time job. Making my transition to a professional position that much easier and all because of the encouragement and opportunities presented to me in the College of Business.”

-Danielle Cloutier ’18

Student of the Game, started in the Fall of 2017, highlights students who have worked to make the College of Business a better place for students and faculty. Recipients of the award are chosen by the Deans Advisory Board in coordination with College of Business faculty.