My Bibliophilic Side is Showing…Oh Wait, That’s Just All of Me

It’s difficult for me to fully express how excited I get about going to a library. This is a sentence that is probably rarely said by people who aren’t studying literature but I can vouch to the world that it is sincere. I could go on for pages about why libraries are...

A Landmark of London

Once upon a time the United Kingdom was ruled by King Henry the VIII and lived united under the Catholic Church. King Henry planned to divorce his beloved Catherine to reform the church into the protestant religion. Today, Catholicism is a distant past for this...

Toto, I Have a Feeling We’re Not in London Anymore

Last week I returned from the adventure of a lifetime. I spent three weeks in London studying for an English writing course for Winona State. Although I was only there for a few weeks, I started to adapt to the culture. When I returned to Minnesota, I was surprised...

Meet the Historians

After talking to (or rather listening to) so many tour guides about the “True Nature of the English Experience,” I was eager to talk to some unpaid locals. Not to say the tour guides haven’t been amazing. We had one recently that both whistled and read out of...

We are all English Majors! Oh, and She’s an Education Major

Charles Dickens, William Shakespeare, Jane Austen, libraries, poems, plays and museums– these are all people and things that fascinate the Winona State English majors on this trip. As an outsider Education major, I had to adapt to learn about these things. Here...