London Pink Eye

It was a morning just like any other in our tightly packed hostel room. The sun was shining through our thick pane windows, various ringing of alarm clocks traveled swiftly intertwined with the chilly breeze of the London morning air. I opened my eyes to see what...

Unlimited Amount of Stairs

In London, not only can you find black taxis, 500-year-old buildings, and loads of pubs- you can also find an enormous amount of stairs. It’s hard to find lifts (elevators) anywhere, and if you do find one, they have a sign that says to keep them open for the...

Sardines About Brixton!

Never once in my life was I think I’d ever find myself pressed so tightly into a mass of people that my group and I actually had to hold on to hold onto each other’s backpack straps so we didn’t separate and completely lose one another. We were pressing through a...

Making One’s Own Fiberglass Armor!

Since setting my mind on making armor, the focus of my project here in London, I’ve wanted to design my own suit/costume around my observations of English armor. Perhaps I would design my suit for a knight character. I wasn’t sure I’d actually use the design, so my...

America or England, Art and Inspiration are Everywhere

Due to a slight obsession with making art (though I’m not terribly good at it), I usually carry a sketchbook around me wherever I go. I keep one on hand so that, should I get an idea to draw or see something worth sketching, a place to sketch would always be...