Aliens: Raising the Bar for Action Sequels

Aliens: Raising the Bar for Action Sequels

A seven-time Oscar nominee and two-time winner, James Cameron’s 1986 Aliens was everything people wanted and more following 1979’s Alien. Launching the standard for all sequels far above what was typically expected, the action-and-alien-focused sequel came at a...
Atomic Blonde: Upgrading the Spy Thriller

Atomic Blonde: Upgrading the Spy Thriller

Based on the graphic novel The Coldest City, Atomic Blonde is the 2017 espionage thriller with a thick spread of double agents and betrayal during the week prior to the fall of the Berlin Wall. Directed by the John Wick co-director, David Leitch, his first solo...
The Avengers: Infinity War–A Reality Check

The Avengers: Infinity War–A Reality Check

Superhero films are the center of pop-culture cinema currently; they are the top grossing movies at the box office, continuously taking audiences and theaters by storm, but why are these fantasy-driven, action-packed films the center of the Hollywood? Is it the luxury...