Based on a novel of the same title by Donald Ray Pollock, The Devil All the Time (2020), directed by Antonio Campus, is the latest thriller film we have been waiting for. Based in rural America, starting from the end of World War II, the film touches on many difficult...
Murder isn’t something people take lightly, especially if the murderer is lounging out on the beach enjoying a cocktail. In the colorful 1960’s film Plein Soleil, or in English Purple Noon, directed by René Clément, this is precisely what Alain Delon’s character, Tom...
Film Studies majors Joe Eichele and Brynn Artley start off the Fall 2020 semester with a report from their production class with Dr. Johnson. Students will be directing and producing several documentaries during the term as well as working with the...
Among the greatest swashbucklers of all time, the name “Zorro” will quickly enter the conversation. Numerous variations of the tale have been made, including the original iteration starring Douglas Fairbanks in 1920. Despite this, Rouben Mamoulian’s The Mark of...
Thanks to Warner Bros. and their star Errol Flynn, the early-1940s saw a resurgence of the swashbuckler subgenre across all of Hollywood. The United Artists production company found specific interest in the pirate stories of Captain Blood (1935) and The Sea...
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