No Fear Shakespeare?

Comedies, histories, tragedies you name it- Shakespeare has written a play about it. Although, you might not even be able to tell which type of genre you are reading because of the ever so confusing Kings English he wrote in. Of course they have “No Fear Shakespeare”...

That Tree Sculpture is Made Out of What?!

Many of our stops in the travel study were to museums, and as you can imagine, museums have tourist oozing out of the doors. Finding our way in and out of the mobs of people, our group finally arrived inside of the British Museum. If you are unfamiliar with this...

More Than Just a Fish…. ZEBRA FISH!

While in London I decided to spice up my trip a little. I inquired to the Rihel lab of University College London and accepted an invitation to work with Dr. Sabine Reichert, and Ph.D students Ida and Marcus. In lab I have been doing research on zebra fish sleep/wake...

The Problem with Uneven Sidewalks

As Americans, we’re all pretty used to seeing people in electric wheelchairs buzzing around the supermarket getting groceries or zipping down the sidewalk. We often wonder what happened and stare a bit, but most of us try to help them out if they’re struggling with...

What did that say?!

Graffiti? No, that’s for gangs. Street art? You mean the billboards on the highway, right? This is just an example of what you would hear Americans say if you told them you went on a walking tour to view street art and graffiti. However, London’s east side is...

London Pink Eye

It was a morning just like any other in our tightly packed hostel room. The sun was shining through our thick pane windows, various ringing of alarm clocks traveled swiftly intertwined with the chilly breeze of the London morning air. I opened my eyes to see what...