Frozen River Film Festival: A Recap

Frozen River Film Festival: A Recap

Hello and welcome to a new issue of POVwinona! To refresh your feed after WSU’s Spring Break, this issue focuses on documentary films featured at this year’s Frozen River Film Festival in Winona.  We could not help but further celebrate yet another fantastic...
Aliens: Raising the Bar for Action Sequels

Aliens: Raising the Bar for Action Sequels

A seven-time Oscar nominee and two-time winner, James Cameron’s 1986 Aliens was everything people wanted and more following 1979’s Alien. Launching the standard for all sequels far above what was typically expected, the action-and-alien-focused sequel came at a...
Scarface: Just Another Gangster Movie?

Scarface: Just Another Gangster Movie?

Recognized by the National Film Preservation Board in 1994 and claiming a spot in the Top Ten Films list by the National Board of Review in 1932, director Howard Hawks’ Scarface is one of the most raw and brilliant gangster movies created to date. Putting life back...