In this issue of POVwinona, we present three short films that Winona State film students and alumni created this year.  After studying the book to film adaptation process, they selected original material that inspired them to create new adaptations.  This process allowed them the chance to practice writing, filming, directing, acting, and editing during the adaptation phase.

First, Taylor Fogarty and Lindsey Brezinski go deep into the world of Edgar Allan Poe, with their adaptation of his story “The Tell-Tale Heart” by creating their short film of the same name.  Next, Josh DeLaRosa and Seth Lamey update the John MacDonald story of Sam Bowden and Max Cady battling wits in their adaptation of “The Executioners.”  Finally, Jake Nielsen and Gilberto Hidalgo adapt the well-known Roald Dahl short story “The Man from the South” with their short film adaptation The Stranger.

Stay tuned this fall for issues focusing on the “action” film genre as well as content on the process of curating a film festival for Winona State University.